Jennifer Lawrence: Jennifer Lawrence was born in Louisville,
Kentucky. She has 2 older brothers, Ben and Blaine, sister-in-law Meredith, and
her parents are Gary and Karen Lawrence.
Jennifer, known to her friends and family as "Jen", was discovered in New York
City at the age of 14. Before Jennifer became an actor, she was involved in
cheer-leading, field hockey, softball, and modeling, none of which she held a
passion for.
In the spring of 2004, she traveled to New York City and set up a few auditions
with talent and modeling agencies. After conducting her first cold read, the
agents told her mother that "it was the best cold read by a 14- year-old they
had ever heard", and tried to convince her mother that she needed to spend the
summer in Manhattan. After leaving the agency, Jen was spotted by an agent in
the midst of shooting an H&M ad and asked to take her picture. The next day,
that agent followed up with her and invited her to the studio for a cold read
audition. Again, the agents were highly impressed and strongly urged her mother
to allow her to spend the summer in New York City.
As fate would have it, she did spend that summer in New York City and appeared
in commercials such as MTV's "My Super Sweet 16" and played a role in the movie,
Devil You Know (2009). Shortly thereafter, her career forced her and her family
to move to Los Angeles where she was cast in the TBS sitcom "The Bill Engvall
Show" (2007) and movies such as The Poker House (2008) and The Burning Plain
Perhaps her most well-known work to date is her role as "Ree Dolly" in Debra
Granik's Winter's Bone (2010). Released in early 2010, the film won the Grand
Jury Prize at the Sundance Film Festival and earned Lawrence several awards such
as Best Newcoming Actress at October's Hollywood Awards.
At age 20, Lawrence has several movies set to release in 2011 such as the Jodie
Foster-directed film, The Beaver (2011), where she co-stars with Foster, Mel
Gibson and Anton Yelchin. She will also be see in X-Men: First Class (2011) and
House at the End of the Street (2012).
For her role in Winter's Bone (2010), Lawrence learned to skin squirrels, chop
wood, and fight.
Plays guitar.
Lawrence graduated from high school two years early in order to begin acting.
Lawrence was discovered by a photographer while visiting New York with her mom
in 2005, which led to her landing an agent.
Is the second youngest Oscar nominee for best actress in a leading role. Only
Keisha Castle-Hughes for Whale Rider (2002) was younger.
Fan of Jeff Bridges.
Appeared in two Sundance Grand Jury Prize winners in a row: Winter's Bone (2010)
and Like Crazy (2011).
One of People magazine's Most Beautiful People in the World 2011.
One of Variety magazine's Top Ten Actors to Watch 2010.
Voted No. 10 on the 2011 Maxim list "Hot 100" women.
The miserable ones are the ones where all the girls auditioning are in the same
room. There's no talking in those rooms. I've tried. Yesterday I had to do an
interview. I was in a horrible mood. I couldn't think of basic words. I could
see my publicist in the background, mouthing things to say. They want you to be
likable all the time, and I'm just not.
I'm excited to be seen as sexy. But not slutty.
Where are the Robert Redfords and Paul Newmans of my age group? I love James
Franco, but where's the next James Franco? Where are the hunks who can act?
There are actresses who build themselves, and then there are actresses who are
built by others. I want to build myself.
... I have this feeling of protectiveness over characters I want to play. I
worry about them-if someone else gets the part, I'm afraid they won't do it
right; they'll make the character a victim or they'll make her a villain or
they'll just get it wrong somehow. ... When I get like that, anything's
[on her role in Winter's Bone (2010)] - I'd have walked on hot coals to get the
part. I thought it was the best female role I'd read - ever. I was so impressed
by Ree's tenacity and that she didn't take no for an answer. For the audition, I
had to fly on the redeye to New York and be as ugly as possible. I didn't wash
my hair for a week, I had no makeup on. I looked beat up in there. I think I had
icicles hanging from my eyebrows.
When I first got to New York, my feet hit the sidewalk and you'd have thought I
was born and raised there. I took over that town. None of my friends took me
seriously. I came home and announced, 'I'm going to move to New York,' and they
were like 'OK.' Then when I did, they kept waiting for me to fail and come back.
But I knew I wouldn't. I was like, 'I'll show you.'
I never felt like I completely, 100% understood something so well as acting.
I'd like to direct at some point. But I don't know because 10 years ago I would
have never imagined that I'd be here. So in 10 years from now, I might be
running a rodeo.
[on being a sudden sex symbol]: It feels weird. But [it's] not bad at all.
I don't really diet or anything. I'm miserable when I'm dieting and I like the
way I look. I'm really sick of all these actresses looking like birds... I'd
rather look a little chubby on camera and look like a person in real life, than
look great on screen and look like a scarecrow in real life.
Winter's Bone (2010) wasn't a fun, easy movie to make by any means. But I didn't
do it to have fun.
I like when things are hard; I'm very competitive. If something seems difficult
or impossible, it interests me.
The Hunger Game - 2012
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